284 lines
6.8 KiB
284 lines
6.8 KiB
'use strict';
const Assert = require('@hapi/hoek/lib/assert');
const Clone = require('@hapi/hoek/lib/clone');
const Cache = require('./cache');
const Common = require('./common');
const Compile = require('./compile');
const Errors = require('./errors');
const Extend = require('./extend');
const Manifest = require('./manifest');
const Ref = require('./ref');
const Template = require('./template');
const Trace = require('./trace');
let Schemas;
const internals = {
types: {
alternatives: require('./types/alternatives'),
any: require('./types/any'),
array: require('./types/array'),
boolean: require('./types/boolean'),
date: require('./types/date'),
function: require('./types/function'),
link: require('./types/link'),
number: require('./types/number'),
object: require('./types/object'),
string: require('./types/string'),
symbol: require('./types/symbol')
aliases: {
alt: 'alternatives',
bool: 'boolean',
func: 'function'
if (Buffer) { // $lab:coverage:ignore$
internals.types.binary = require('./types/binary');
internals.root = function () {
const root = {
_types: new Set(Object.keys(internals.types))
// Types
for (const type of root._types) {
root[type] = function (...args) {
Assert(!args.length || ['alternatives', 'link', 'object'].includes(type), 'The', type, 'type does not allow arguments');
return internals.generate(this, internals.types[type], args);
// Shortcuts
for (const method of ['allow', 'custom', 'disallow', 'equal', 'exist', 'forbidden', 'invalid', 'not', 'only', 'optional', 'options', 'prefs', 'preferences', 'required', 'strip', 'valid', 'when']) {
root[method] = function (...args) {
return this.any()[method](...args);
// Methods
Object.assign(root, internals.methods);
// Aliases
for (const alias in internals.aliases) {
const target = internals.aliases[alias];
root[alias] = root[target];
root.x = root.expression;
// Trace
if (Trace.setup) { // $lab:coverage:ignore$
return root;
internals.methods = {
ValidationError: Errors.ValidationError,
version: Common.version,
cache: Cache.provider,
assert(value, schema, ...args /* [message], [options] */) {
internals.assert(value, schema, true, args);
attempt(value, schema, ...args /* [message], [options] */) {
return internals.assert(value, schema, false, args);
build(desc) {
Assert(typeof Manifest.build === 'function', 'Manifest functionality disabled');
return Manifest.build(this, desc);
checkPreferences(prefs) {
compile(schema, options) {
return Compile.compile(this, schema, options);
defaults(modifier) {
Assert(typeof modifier === 'function', 'modifier must be a function');
const joi = Object.assign({}, this);
for (const type of joi._types) {
const schema = modifier(joi[type]());
Assert(Common.isSchema(schema), 'modifier must return a valid schema object');
joi[type] = function (...args) {
return internals.generate(this, schema, args);
return joi;
expression(...args) {
return new Template(...args);
extend(...extensions) {
Common.verifyFlat(extensions, 'extend');
Schemas = Schemas || require('./schemas');
Assert(extensions.length, 'You need to provide at least one extension');
this.assert(extensions, Schemas.extensions);
const joi = Object.assign({}, this);
joi._types = new Set(joi._types);
for (let extension of extensions) {
if (typeof extension === 'function') {
extension = extension(joi);
this.assert(extension, Schemas.extension);
const expanded = internals.expandExtension(extension, joi);
for (const item of expanded) {
Assert(joi[item.type] === undefined || joi._types.has(item.type), 'Cannot override name', item.type);
const base = item.base || this.any();
const schema = Extend.type(base, item);
joi[item.type] = function (...args) {
return internals.generate(this, schema, args);
return joi;
isError: Errors.ValidationError.isError,
isExpression: Template.isTemplate,
isRef: Ref.isRef,
isSchema: Common.isSchema,
in(...args) {
return Ref.in(...args);
override: Common.symbols.override,
ref(...args) {
return Ref.create(...args);
types() {
const types = {};
for (const type of this._types) {
types[type] = this[type]();
for (const target in internals.aliases) {
types[target] = this[target]();
return types;
// Helpers
internals.assert = function (value, schema, annotate, args /* [message], [options] */) {
const message = args[0] instanceof Error || typeof args[0] === 'string' ? args[0] : null;
const options = message ? args[1] : args[0];
const result = schema.validate(value, Common.preferences({ errors: { stack: true } }, options || {}));
let error = result.error;
if (!error) {
return result.value;
if (message instanceof Error) {
throw message;
const display = annotate && typeof error.annotate === 'function' ? error.annotate() : error.message;
if (error instanceof Errors.ValidationError === false) {
error = Clone(error);
error.message = message ? `${message} ${display}` : display;
throw error;
internals.generate = function (root, schema, args) {
Assert(root, 'Must be invoked on a Joi instance.');
schema.$_root = root;
if (!schema._definition.args ||
!args.length) {
return schema;
return schema._definition.args(schema, ...args);
internals.expandExtension = function (extension, joi) {
if (typeof extension.type === 'string') {
return [extension];
const extended = [];
for (const type of joi._types) {
if (extension.type.test(type)) {
const item = Object.assign({}, extension);
item.type = type;
item.base = joi[type]();
return extended;
module.exports = internals.root();