447 lines
12 KiB
447 lines
12 KiB
// From https://github.com/webpack-contrib/webpack-bundle-analyzer/blob/4abac503c789bac94118e5bbfc410686fb5112c7/src/parseUtils.js
// Modified by Guillaume Chau (Akryum)
const acorn = require('acorn')
const walk = require('acorn-walk')
const mapValues = require('lodash.mapvalues')
const zlib = require('zlib')
const { warn } = require('@vue/cli-shared-utils')
exports.analyzeBundle = function analyzeBundle (bundleStats, assetSources) {
// Picking only `*.js` assets from bundle that has non-empty `chunks` array
const jsAssets = []
const otherAssets = []
// Separate JS assets
bundleStats.assets.forEach(asset => {
if (asset.name.endsWith('.js') && asset.chunks && asset.chunks.length) {
} else {
// Trying to parse bundle assets and get real module sizes
let bundlesSources = null
let parsedModules = null
bundlesSources = {}
parsedModules = {}
for (const asset of jsAssets) {
const source = assetSources.get(asset.name)
let bundleInfo
try {
bundleInfo = parseBundle(source)
} catch (err) {
const msg = (err.code === 'ENOENT') ? 'no such file' : err.message
warn(`Error parsing bundle asset "${asset.fullPath}": ${msg}`)
bundlesSources[asset.name] = bundleInfo.src
Object.assign(parsedModules, bundleInfo.modules)
if (!Object.keys(bundlesSources).length) {
bundlesSources = null
parsedModules = null
warn('\nNo bundles were parsed. Analyzer will show only original module sizes from stats file.\n')
// Update sizes
bundleStats.modules.forEach(module => {
const parsedSrc = parsedModules && parsedModules[module.id]
module.size = {
stats: module.size
if (parsedSrc) {
module.size.parsed = parsedSrc.length
module.size.gzip = getGzipSize(parsedSrc)
} else {
module.size.parsed = module.size.stats
module.size.gzip = 0
jsAssets.forEach(asset => {
const src = bundlesSources && bundlesSources[asset.name]
asset.size = {
stats: asset.size
if (src) {
asset.size.parsed = src.length
asset.size.gzip = getGzipSize(src)
} else {
asset.size.parsed = asset.size.stats
asset.size.gzip = 0
}, {})
otherAssets.forEach(asset => {
const src = assetSources.get(asset.name)
asset.size = {
stats: asset.size,
parsed: asset.size
if (src) {
asset.size.gzip = getGzipSize(src)
} else {
asset.size.gzip = 0
function parseBundle (bundleContent) {
const ast = acorn.parse(bundleContent, {
sourceType: 'script',
// I believe in a bright future of ECMAScript!
// Actually, it's set to `2050` to support the latest ECMAScript version that currently exists.
// Seems like `acorn` supports such weird option value.
ecmaVersion: 2050
const walkState = {
locations: null,
expressionStatementDepth: 0
ExpressionStatement (node, state, c) {
if (state.locations) return
if (
// Webpack 5 stores modules in the the top-level IIFE
state.expressionStatementDepth === 1 &&
ast.body.includes(node) &&
) {
const fn = getIIFECallExpression(node)
if (
// It should not contain neither arguments
fn.arguments.length === 0 &&
// ...nor parameters
fn.callee.params.length === 0
) {
// Modules are stored in the very first variable declaration as hash
const firstVariableDeclaration = fn.callee.body.body.find(n => n.type === 'VariableDeclaration')
if (firstVariableDeclaration) {
for (const declaration of firstVariableDeclaration.declarations) {
if (declaration.init) {
state.locations = getModulesLocations(declaration.init)
if (state.locations) {
if (!state.locations) {
c(node.expression, state)
AssignmentExpression (node, state) {
if (state.locations) return
// Modules are stored in exports.modules:
// exports.modules = {};
const { left, right } = node
if (
left &&
left.object && left.object.name === 'exports' &&
left.property && left.property.name === 'modules' &&
) {
state.locations = getModulesLocations(right)
CallExpression (node, state, c) {
if (state.locations) return
const args = node.arguments
// Main chunk with webpack loader.
// Modules are stored in first argument:
// (function (...) {...})(<modules>)
if (
node.callee.type === 'FunctionExpression' &&
!node.callee.id &&
args.length === 1 &&
) {
state.locations = getModulesLocations(args[0])
// Async Webpack < v4 chunk without webpack loader.
// webpackJsonp([<chunks>], <modules>, ...)
// As function name may be changed with `output.jsonpFunction` option we can't rely on it's default name.
if (
node.callee.type === 'Identifier' &&
mayBeAsyncChunkArguments(args) &&
) {
state.locations = getModulesLocations(args[1])
// Async Webpack v4 chunk without webpack loader.
// (window.webpackJsonp=window.webpackJsonp||[]).push([[<chunks>], <modules>, ...]);
// As function name may be changed with `output.jsonpFunction` option we can't rely on it's default name.
if (isAsyncChunkPushExpression(node)) {
state.locations = getModulesLocations(args[0].elements[1])
// Webpack v4 WebWorkerChunkTemplatePlugin
// globalObject.chunkCallbackName([<chunks>],<modules>, ...);
// Both globalObject and chunkCallbackName can be changed through the config, so we can't check them.
if (isAsyncWebWorkerChunkExpression(node)) {
state.locations = getModulesLocations(args[1])
// Walking into arguments because some of plugins (e.g. `DedupePlugin`) or some Webpack
// features (e.g. `umd` library output) can wrap modules list into additional IIFE.
args.forEach(arg => c(arg, state))
let modules
if (walkState.locations) {
modules = mapValues(walkState.locations,
loc => bundleContent.slice(loc.start, loc.end)
} else {
modules = {}
return {
modules: modules,
src: bundleContent,
runtimeSrc: getBundleRuntime(bundleContent, walkState.locations)
function getGzipSize (buffer) {
return zlib.gzipSync(buffer).length
* Returns bundle source except modules
function getBundleRuntime (content, modulesLocations) {
const sortedLocations = Object.values(modulesLocations || {})
.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start)
let result = ''
let lastIndex = 0
for (const { start, end } of sortedLocations) {
result += content.slice(lastIndex, start)
lastIndex = end
return result + content.slice(lastIndex, content.length)
function isIIFE (node) {
return (
node.type === 'ExpressionStatement' &&
node.expression.type === 'CallExpression' ||
(node.expression.type === 'UnaryExpression' && node.expression.argument.type === 'CallExpression')
function getIIFECallExpression (node) {
if (node.expression.type === 'UnaryExpression') {
return node.expression.argument
} else {
return node.expression
function isModulesList (node) {
return (
isSimpleModulesList(node) ||
// Modules are contained in expression `Array([minimum ID]).concat([<module>, <module>, ...])`
function isSimpleModulesList (node) {
return (
// Modules are contained in hash. Keys are module ids.
isModulesHash(node) ||
// Modules are contained in array. Indexes are module ids.
function isModulesHash (node) {
return (
node.type === 'ObjectExpression' &&
.map(p => p.value)
function isModulesArray (node) {
return (
node.type === 'ArrayExpression' &&
node.elements.every(elem =>
// Some of array items may be skipped because there is no module with such id
!elem ||
function isOptimizedModulesArray (node) {
// Checking whether modules are contained in `Array(<minimum ID>).concat(...modules)` array:
// https://github.com/webpack/webpack/blob/v1.14.0/lib/Template.js#L91
// The `<minimum ID>` + array indexes are module ids
return (
node.type === 'CallExpression' &&
node.callee.type === 'MemberExpression' &&
// Make sure the object called is `Array(<some number>)`
node.callee.object.type === 'CallExpression' &&
node.callee.object.callee.type === 'Identifier' &&
node.callee.object.callee.name === 'Array' &&
node.callee.object.arguments.length === 1 &&
isNumericId(node.callee.object.arguments[0]) &&
// Make sure the property X called for `Array(<some number>).X` is `concat`
node.callee.property.type === 'Identifier' &&
node.callee.property.name === 'concat' &&
// Make sure exactly one array is passed in to `concat`
node.arguments.length === 1 &&
function isModuleWrapper (node) {
return (
// It's an anonymous function expression that wraps module
((node.type === 'FunctionExpression' || node.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression') && !node.id) ||
// If `DedupePlugin` is used it can be an ID of duplicated module...
isModuleId(node) ||
// or an array of shape [<module_id>, ...args]
(node.type === 'ArrayExpression' && node.elements.length > 1 && isModuleId(node.elements[0]))
function isModuleId (node) {
return (node.type === 'Literal' && (isNumericId(node) || typeof node.value === 'string'))
function isNumericId (node) {
return (node.type === 'Literal' && Number.isInteger(node.value) && node.value >= 0)
function isChunkIds (node) {
// Array of numeric or string ids. Chunk IDs are strings when NamedChunksPlugin is used
return (
node.type === 'ArrayExpression' &&
function isAsyncChunkPushExpression (node) {
const {
arguments: args
} = node
return (
callee.type === 'MemberExpression' &&
callee.property.name === 'push' &&
callee.object.type === 'AssignmentExpression' &&
args.length === 1 &&
args[0].type === 'ArrayExpression' &&
mayBeAsyncChunkArguments(args[0].elements) &&
function mayBeAsyncChunkArguments (args) {
return (
args.length >= 2 &&
function isAsyncWebWorkerChunkExpression (node) {
const { callee, type, arguments: args } = node
return (
type === 'CallExpression' &&
callee.type === 'MemberExpression' &&
args.length === 2 &&
isChunkIds(args[0]) &&
function getModulesLocations (node) {
if (node.type === 'ObjectExpression') {
// Modules hash
const modulesNodes = node.properties
return modulesNodes.reduce((result, moduleNode) => {
const moduleId = moduleNode.key.name || moduleNode.key.value
result[moduleId] = getModuleLocation(moduleNode.value)
return result
}, {})
const isOptimizedArray = (node.type === 'CallExpression')
if (node.type === 'ArrayExpression' || isOptimizedArray) {
// Modules array or optimized array
const minId = isOptimizedArray
// Get the [minId] value from the Array() call first argument literal value
? node.callee.object.arguments[0].value
// `0` for simple array
: 0
const modulesNodes = isOptimizedArray
// The modules reside in the `concat()` function call arguments
? node.arguments[0].elements
: node.elements
return modulesNodes.reduce((result, moduleNode, i) => {
if (moduleNode) {
result[i + minId] = getModuleLocation(moduleNode)
return result
}, {})
return {}
function getModuleLocation (node) {
return { start: node.start, end: node.end }