224 lines
5.4 KiB
224 lines
5.4 KiB
// From https://github.com/FormidableLabs/webpack-dashboard/blob/7f99b31c5f00a7818d8129cb8a8fc6eb1b71799c/plugin/index.js
// Modified by Guillaume Chau (Akryum)
/* eslint-disable max-params, max-statements */
'use strict'
const path = require('path')
const fs = require('fs-extra')
const webpack = require('webpack')
const { IpcMessenger } = require('@vue/cli-shared-utils')
const { analyzeBundle } = require('./analyzeBundle')
const ID = 'vue-cli-dashboard-plugin'
const ONE_SECOND = 1000
const ipc = new IpcMessenger()
function getTimeMessage (timer) {
let time = Date.now() - timer
if (time >= ONE_SECOND) {
time /= ONE_SECOND
time = Math.round(time)
time += 's'
} else {
time += 'ms'
return ` (${time})`
class DashboardPlugin {
constructor (options) {
this.type = options.type
if (this.type === 'build' && options.moduleBuild) {
this.type = 'build-modern'
this.watching = false
this.autoDisconnect = !options.keepAlive
cleanup () {
this.sendData = null
if (this.autoDisconnect) ipc.disconnect()
apply (compiler) {
let sendData = this.sendData
let timer
let inProgress = false
let assetSources = new Map()
if (!sendData) {
sendData = data => ipc.send({
webpackDashboardData: {
type: this.type,
value: data
// Progress status
let progressTime = Date.now()
const progressPlugin = new webpack.ProgressPlugin((percent, msg) => {
// in webpack 5, progress plugin will continue sending progresses even after the done hook
// for things like caching, causing the progress indicator stuck at 0.99
// so we have to use a flag to stop sending such `compiling` progress data
if (!inProgress) {
// Debouncing
const time = Date.now()
if (time - progressTime > 300) {
progressTime = time
type: 'status',
value: 'Compiling'
type: 'progress',
value: percent
type: 'operations',
value: msg + getTimeMessage(timer)
compiler.hooks.watchRun.tap(ID, c => {
this.watching = true
compiler.hooks.run.tap(ID, c => {
this.watching = false
compiler.hooks.compile.tap(ID, () => {
inProgress = true
timer = Date.now()
type: 'status',
value: 'Compiling'
type: 'progress',
value: 0
compiler.hooks.invalid.tap(ID, () => {
type: 'status',
value: 'Invalidated'
type: 'progress',
value: 0
type: 'operations',
value: 'idle'
compiler.hooks.failed.tap(ID, () => {
type: 'status',
value: 'Failed'
type: 'operations',
value: `idle${getTimeMessage(timer)}`
inProgress = false
compiler.hooks.afterEmit.tap(ID, compilation => {
assetSources = new Map()
for (const name in compilation.assets) {
const asset = compilation.assets[name]
const filename = name.replace(FILENAME_QUERY_REGEXP, '')
try {
assetSources.set(filename, asset.source())
} catch (e) {
const webpackFs = compiler.outputFileSystem
const fullPath = (webpackFs.join || path.join)(compiler.options.output.path, filename)
const buf = webpackFs.readFileSync(fullPath)
assetSources.set(filename, buf.toString())
compiler.hooks.done.tap(ID, stats => {
let statsData = stats.toJson()
// Sometimes all the information is located in `children` array
if ((!statsData.assets || !statsData.assets.length) && statsData.children && statsData.children.length) {
statsData = statsData.children[0]
const outputPath = compiler.options.output.path
statsData.assets.forEach(asset => {
// Removing query part from filename (yes, somebody uses it for some reason and Webpack supports it)
asset.name = asset.name.replace(FILENAME_QUERY_REGEXP, '')
asset.fullPath = path.join(outputPath, asset.name)
// Analyze the assets and update sizes on assets and modules
analyzeBundle(statsData, assetSources)
const hasErrors = stats.hasErrors()
type: 'status',
value: hasErrors ? 'Failed' : 'Success'
type: 'progress',
value: 1
type: 'operations',
value: `idle${getTimeMessage(timer)}`
inProgress = false
const statsFile = path.resolve(process.cwd(), `./node_modules/.stats-${this.type}.json`)
fs.writeJson(statsFile, {
errors: hasErrors,
warnings: stats.hasWarnings(),
data: statsData
}).then(() => {
type: 'stats'
if (!this.watching) {
}).catch(error => {
module.exports = DashboardPlugin