/* Language: Golo Author: Philippe Charriere <ph.charriere@gmail.com> Description: a lightweight dynamic language for the JVM Website: http://golo-lang.org/ */ function golo(hljs) { return { name: 'Golo', keywords: { keyword: 'println readln print import module function local return let var ' + 'while for foreach times in case when match with break continue ' + 'augment augmentation each find filter reduce ' + 'if then else otherwise try catch finally raise throw orIfNull ' + 'DynamicObject|10 DynamicVariable struct Observable map set vector list array', literal: 'true false null' }, contains: [ hljs.HASH_COMMENT_MODE, hljs.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, hljs.C_NUMBER_MODE, { className: 'meta', begin: '@[A-Za-z]+' } ] }; } module.exports = golo;